Subtle gridlines all over the board help make movement and attack range clear. The game looks fantastic and, fortunately, the gameplay doesn’t disappoint, either. Publisher Ravensburger even went so far as to cast the titular Gargoyles in a textured, color-flecked plastic that looks like no other miniatures in my collection. There’s also five substantial push-fit cardboard buildings, which give the playspace the same kind of dynamic scale as the animated series.

There’s a lavish game board, with a Manhattan city scene on one side and monochrome art on the other. The real treat in this game is all the physical bits inside the box. G argoyles: Awakening is a combat-focused game that takes its inspiration from some of the show’s best episodes. Gargoyles: Awakening went on sale at Target in August, and like the original animated series it’s based on, it’s something quite special: a tiny box filled with top-notch fan service, and a solid game to boot.
What better time to launch a brand-new, action-packed board game?

But now, thanks to its availability on Disney Plus, it’s back in circulation for a new generation to enjoy. The beloved series was ultimately canceled in 1997 - well before its time. Disney’s Gargoyles cartoon was ahead of its time when it launched in 1994, a long-arc narrative serial lost in a landscape filled with one-off episodes built for syndication.